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​"Aspiring to be respected by my peers in Gaming Sound DESIGN."



Artee Smith
Creative Process

The Process


I used my H 5 Zoom hand held recorder to record sound in my garage. After collecting sounds from various equipment I had in my garage I imported the sounds into Pro Tools to begin manipulation of my sounds I recorded.I used EQ, Modulation, Harmonic, Air Phasers and Air Flangers to create space game sounds assets. After exporting them out of Pro Tools into folders for my assets. Imported the assets in Wwise sound engine. I then connected Uranus Attacks to Wwise sound engine. I then opened saffire for recording, began to record the out put of the two engines in quick time than saved the project 1080p.  Shared with Vimeo and uploaded to my Wix page.

Barnaby -
00:00 / 00:00
Fnoon -
00:00 / 00:00
Engine -
00:00 / 00:00
Plantet 1 -
00:00 / 00:00

I used a cat meow to create the barnaby sound in pro tools using the multichannel plug in, in the harmonic I used the air low fi effect. Automated the clip select the sample rate and using our line tool to draw in the animation I wanted to create the sound of creature being destroyed 

In pro tools using a pig sound I created the Fnoon creature. I revered the sound and in multichannel harmonics I used the low fi effect. Automated the clip selecting the sample rate using my line tool to draw in the animation

I used my edger to in Pro tools in my multichannel plug in I used my pitch shifter using the Air frequency shifter plug in. Then created a seamless loop.

In Pro Tools used my recording of my Table saw. Used varispeed stretching with elastic audio and used 7 band EQ. Also used crossfade technique to create a seamless loop. 

Planet 2 -
00:00 / 00:00
Tel In -
00:00 / 00:00
Tel_Out -
00:00 / 00:00
Vaporizer -
00:00 / 00:00

In This video game Uranus Attack you have a space ship and you are shooting creator from a Planet 1 Kraktoh. After you kill 6 Barnabys you teleport to Planet 2 DKuk and kill 6 of their creators the Fnoons to win the game as fast as you can.  

I used an electric can opener to create went into my multichannel plug in in my modulation then used air phaser

In Pro tools used my band saw varispeed , air vintage filter & some reverb

I just reversed the finished Tel in to create the out assets.

I used my drill hammer sound I also used elastic stretching, frequency shifter in my harmonic in my multichannel plug in pro tools.

Black Smith Demo Reel
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